Chào mừng mọi người đến với series Cùng nhau học từ vựng Toeic 990 Kikutan.
Kikutan là phương pháp học qua nghe Audio, việc nghe sẽ giúp tăng khả năng ghi nhớ từ vựng tốt hơn.
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Tiếng Nhật | Tiếng Anh | Câu ví dụ |
~を緩和する | ease | Japan eased import restrictions on US beef.(日本はアメリカ産牛肉に対する輸入制限を緩和した) |
~を最小にする | minimize | Tamiflu can minimize the effects of the flu.(タミフルはインフルエンザの影響を最小限に抑えることができる) |
~を刈り込む | trim | The man is trimming the lawn.(男性は芝生を刈っている) |
~を派遣する | dispatch | An investigation team was dispatched to the crime scene.(調査班が犯罪現場へ派遣された) |
~を伴う | entail | Owning a car entails spending a lot of money on gas, insurance, maintenance and so on.(自動車を所有すると、ガソリン、保険、整備などたくさんの出費が必要となる) |
~を修正する | amend | The government should amend the pension law.(政府は年金法を修正するべきだ) |
ざっと目を通す | browse | She browsed through a few travel books to decide where to go on holiday.(彼女はどこへ旅行に行くかを決めるため、数冊の旅行本に目を通した) |
~を送る | remit | Please remit the tuition and admission fees no later than March 31.(3月31日までに授業料と入学金をご送金ください) |
生じる | arise | The Cold War arose from Soviet aggression in Eastern Europe.(冷戦はソビエトの東欧侵攻から起こった) |
~の要点を述べる | outline | The CEO outlined a three-year business plan.(そのCEOは3カ年事業計画の概要を発表した) |
~を与えずにおく | withhold | Some people think that the US should withhold economic aid to the country.(アメリカはその国への経済支援を見合わせるべきだと考える人もいる) |
~を混乱させる | disrupt | Heavy snow disrupted air and rail travel in Europe.(豪雪によってヨーロッパの飛行機と列車の交通が混乱した) |
~を補強する | reinforce | The school building was reinforced with steel beams.(その校舎は鋼鉄の梁で補強された) |
~を和らげる | relieve | Regular exercise will help relieve your stress.(定期的な運動はストレスを和らげるのに役立つだろう) |
~を合併する | consolidate | The pharmaceutical company has consolidated its two manufacturing locations.(その製薬会社は2つの生産拠点を統合した) |
~を早める | expedite | The government sought to expedite the passage of the bill.(政府はその法案の早期成立を図ろうとした) |
Bước 3: Cuối cùng cùng ôn tập những từ vựng đã học
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